Finally got my head shaved.
Got a lot of good work done on the AlphaTech template last night. All the standard letters I had examples of are on the template. I modified an E to make an F that looks pretty similar to the F on the cover of BattleForce. I also modified a U to make a reasonable J. That leaves K, Q, and Z to be done. I'm not anticipating any real trouble with Z, since it is basically a sideways N. I really struggled with making a K last night, trying both a V and an A to make the arms. Neither looked right.
I also got one of the special characters on the template, the kooky E from Battledroids. The Y from the interior of the second edition rulebook is done, but I am waiting to place it on the template until I see what other special characters I am going to use. The newer A is a work in progress, but shouldn't be a major hassle.
Got a call from Pat last night. His friend Loren (who is also in Dave Hoover's Savage Worlds game) was clearing out his game collection and Pat scored some nifty old school loot, including some Judges Guild products for himself and a copy of the Boot Hill boxed set for yours truly! I have long wanted older copies of Boot Hill and Gamma World since the 1st edition DMG has conversion rules, but so far I have balked at the collector's prices on eBay.
It occurred to me this morning that the old Star Frontiers scenario "Day of the Juggernaut" (from an Ares section in an old Dragon magazine) would be eminently suitable for a adaptation as a solitaire Starmada scenario since the Juggernaut is a robot operated ship.
Posted by jrients
at 9:14 AM CST