So, if I'm gonna be playing in a regular Savage Worlds campaign (and it sure looks like I am), then I guess I should probably pick up a copy of the rules. I'm thinking I'll buy a copy from the store. I have yet to use them and part of each sale is donated to keep up and running. Besides, they have the old fashioned d20's that I could use for Star Fleet Battle Manual.
I'm continuing to read the Starmada Compendium. Good stuff. Very few rules have been altered (notably banked weapons have been simplified) from the version 5.41 rules I had been using. There's lots of neat new stuff though. I thought a change had been made to the fighter rules when I read that only lasers may attack fighters. I went back and checked and sure enough that had been in the earlier rules. I don't think I've actually used any fighters yet, so this revelation doesn't affect previous games.
I've been doing a lot of thinking about the employ cards in gaming situations. Maybe seeing Dave Hoover's official Savage Worlds card deck tripped this circuit for me again. I've long thought that D&D could be spiced up with a deck of combat maneuver cards. The Dork20 deck apparently gets this done for the d20 crowd, and I may have to get a copy. Mayfair put out a less humorous and more complicate product for AD&D called Blood & Steel. Frankly, the cards look to darn complicated to me. The fellow who makes the miniatures rules called Piquet has some interesting things to say about card usage in his theory of Piquet page. The old toy-based Warhammery game BattleMasters got good mileage out of an initiative deck. In addition to spicing up D&D basic/expert combats, I think cards could be used to great effect in BattleTech games where you want to capture the rickety-old-mech-held-together-by-chickenwire feel of the older versions of the game.
I think I will have to get a couple of Glotz decks at some point.
Posted by jrients
at 5:00 PM CST