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Jeff's Gameblog
Friday, 12 March 2004

Godammit, but this situation with Goph and Dave is depressing me. These are not just two old gaming buddies, they're like my two oldest and bestest friends. We go back to grade school, we were in each other's weddings. I just wanted to get try to arrange to get together and game, but Dave is objecting to all my ideas while presenting none of his own and Goph seems to be blowing us both off. And I feel like a twice-damned fool for trying again after the last attempt to get together totally fell apart. If these were just two game goobers I've played with I would have gave up on this whole thing a long time ago. I don't know whether to get mad or cry or go home and drink some liquor and try to sleep it off.

Posted by jrients at 4:58 PM CST

Sunday, 5 March 2023 - 12:47 AM CST

Name: "Vik of Khare"

Friends grow apart.

Wish them well, move on.

If they come back contritely, accept them.

If they come back and pretend nothing had happened, fuck them off.



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