Yesterday was a particularly busy day at work and I ended up not having time for blogging. I got some moves in over at Apparently in my initial enthusiasm over Anti-Chess I managed to vastly overestimate my talents, as I am proceeding to lose games with almost as much efficiency as Xiangqi. I also got a bit of work done last night on my redo of the old Chainmail attack matrix. (The one Jonathan Tweet makes a to-do about over at his website.) I'm hoping to play a Chainmail scenario with some paper figures in the nearish future.
I talked to my sister earlier in the week about Flatcon, the new con that sprang up over in Bloomington, Illinois a few years ago. It looks like her and her friend Michael will be meeting me there for at least part of the con. That's not until July, so I think we're going to try to schedule a game day sometime between now and then.
Tonight is another episode of Dave Hoover's Savage Worlds campaign. That ought to be fun, although the group hasn't exactly cohesed yet. Cohesed. Is that a word? Anyway, I'm hoping to get more information out of Dave regarding contacting Ray St. John.
Posted by jrients
at 4:01 PM CDT