For this game I retained the usage of naming the relevant pieces Bishops and Rooks, even though calling them Popes and Crooks would be more accurate.
Apologies for the slightly irregular notation and the crappy formatting.
white black notes
1.d2-c3 Ra9-b7 Black's Rook uses knight-move
2.a2-b3 d8-c7
3.d2-e3 Bd9-d8
4.Ra1-a5 e8-d7
5.c1-d3 Rb7-b6?
6.c3-b6xR! c7-b6xp White takes black Rook using warpsquare movement. Black's pawn uses warpsquare to emulate orthodox pawn capture.
7.Ra5-a6 b8-a7
8.b3-c4? d7-e6? White puts its Rook in jeopardy, but Black misses the opportunity.
9.Ra6-a4 Bd8-c7 White moves Rook out of harm's way.
10.Bd1-d2 e6-b5
11.Bd1-e4 castles, Re9-d9,Kc9-e9
12.Re1-d3 b6-a5 White uses knight-move.
13.Bd2-a5xp Bc7-a5xB
14.Ra4-a5xB Rd9-d7
15.Ra5-b6? Rd7-b6xR White allows black to capture a Rook on a knight-move.
16.Be4-d5xp c8-d7
17.e3-d4 Bb9-c8
18.Rd3-e3+ Ke9-d8
19.Re3-e6 d7-c6
20.Bd5-c6xp Rb6-c3+ Black moves Rook via warpsquare.
21.Kc1-b2 Rc3-d4xp " " " "
22.c4-b5 Rd4-a5 " " " "
23.Bc6-b6+! Kd8-d7
24.Bb6-a5xR Kd7-e6xR
25.Kb2-c3 Bc8-c7
26.e2-d3 a8-d7
27.b3-a4 a7-b6+ Check given via warpsquare
28.b5-b6xp b7-b6xp+ " " "
29.Ba5-b6xp Bc7-b6xB
30.Kc3-b6xp Resigns
All in all this game was a real comedy of errors. There was some real interesting action at the end though. I had a Mexican standoff in which each side had a king and a bishop on an outer warpsquare.
Posted by jrients
at 8:22 PM CST