I printed out Savage Worlds: Showdown, the new skirmish rules PDF I discovered over at greatwhitegames.com. I haven't had a chance to look through it in detail, but it looks pretty darn compatible with the Savage Worlds rpg's skirmish chapter and it has a nifty little random event table in the back.
Several small items on the chess front: I'm continuing to get my ass whomped at Chinese chess over at ItsYourTurn.com. Talked to my sister today and I may be playing SpaceWarp44 with her at the family get-together for Easter. I'm hoping to start another solitaire game of SW44 tomorrow or Monday. I've also been thinking again about making a Shogi set.
This morning I tried looking at a zrf file for Zillions of Games, to see if I could maybe write a zrf for SW44. It doesn't look _impossible_, but it does look like a big pain in the patoot. I think if I take the project in baby steps I might be able to pull it off. For example, I could start with modifying the pieces on a normal chess board (this would also help with a "crook chess" modest variant for chessvariants.com. Then change the board shape. The add the warp squares. Finally, figure out a way to enforce the 'counter mix' rule for pawn promotion.
Everything is set-up in my game room for tomorrow night's BattleTech game. I'm happy to finally get a chance to play the first scenario I've ever written. I'm a bit disappointed that it looks like I will only have one other player at the table, though it will be nice to have Dave Hoover over.
Posted by jrients
at 8:09 PM CST