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Jeff's Gameblog
Saturday, 1 May 2004

I had a great time at Don & Sue's tonight. Sue ran her D&D campaign for the lot of us (Don, Michael, John, Bruce, and me). Her campaign consists of an ongoing series of those 'Adventure Keep' pamphlet modules. This evening she ran her fourth installment The Crypt of St. Bethesda. Good adventure. Sue runs a fun game and the group is good people.

Afterwards Michael flipped on his X-box and he and I played a little Legends of Wrestling II. I managed to get stomped as both Koko B. Ware and Greg 'the Hammer' Valetine, though I lasted longer than I expected.

Sue brought up wanting to play my superhero game and we sent a tentative date of May 14th for "issue" 2. Yippee!

Posted by jrients at 10:02 PM CDT

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