My list of WWI subjects to read more about is growing. This time it's the Battle of Jutland. One of Jim Dunnigan's earliest Avalon Hill products was his Jutland game. I've heard it influenced both naval games like Pat's beloved Harpoon and space games like Star Fleet Battles and its children. A copy almost always comes up for sale at the Winter War game auction, and there's usually one available on eBay for about a fiver minimum.
Last night I printed out some Gamma World articles from my Dragon CD-ROM. I've got a couple little articles written for my 1st edition rules, but the real Gamma World gold, from the ARES Section era, is all second edition material. The two editions are probably more compatible than any other 2 editions ('cept maybe GW d20 and Omega World), but still all this material argues for getting the second edition rules. Like the first edition only a screen and a couple modules were published, so I'm not biting off too much.
I got to play Carcassonne and SpaceWarp44 with Jenny today. She whupped me in Carcassonne to the tune of about 50 points. She resigned the first game of SW44 but was eager for a rematch, which we were unable to finish. I recorded our positions so we could resume our game on another day.
On the way home some ideas occurred to me regarding my as-yet unnamed Tamerlane+Gothic+Omega variant:
1) The Prince, the promoted Pawn of King, should move as a King+Knight. The King+Alibaba I had thought of earlier is too close to the Champion's Wazir+Alibaba.
2) In addition to checkmate and Wizard's occupying enemy towers, you can also win by elminating the King's Cabinet: Queen, Minister, Cardinal, and Prince (if in play).
Posted by jrients
at 8:42 PM CDT