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Jeff's Gameblog
Tuesday, 16 March 2004

Last night I got some real work done on the AlphaTech font. A, B, C, E and H are all templated. I still don't know exactly what I am going to do about J, K, Q, and Z. I think I have good examples of all the others. I have a small graphic showing a very plain J on the cover of Jumpships & Dropships, but it is obviously a later development of the original BattleTech logo work. I also need to figure out what characters I'm going to map to the one thru zero keys. The Battledroids E and the BattleTech Manual A are definitely in. There's an early Y in the 2nd edition rulebook that also looks interesting. The logo for MechWarrior uses decidedly un-stencily looking M and W, probably to avoid confusion, the M from the 2nd edition rulebook looks confusing to the eye. That W was also used on the cover of the Succession Wars, IIRC, so it's not exactly an 'alternate' until I develop an extrapolated predecessor. But it looks like A, E, M, and Y all have useful variants. I'd really like a full 10 alternate letters if I'm going to pony up the cash for a 36-letter font.

Posted by jrients at 9:24 AM CST

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