So I'm scoping out the Free Wargames Rules home page for possible replacements to DinoWARS! This site is chock full of mini's rules! Some of them look promising for my needs. Useful or not, I like the look of some of the stuff on this guy's page.
It occurred to me last night that Lou Zocchi's Alien Space might be useful for designing more SFBM ships. Alien Space is a relative to Star Fleet Battle Manual that is not set in the Trek universe. I know it contains campaign rules, something missing from SFBM. I believe it also has a ship construction system. The expanded & revised edition of SFBM give notes on using both games together, so maybe I can get some guidance from Alien Space for building stats for FASA and SFB figures.
Posted by jrients
at 8:07 AM CST
Updated: Sunday, 7 March 2004 9:05 PM CST