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Jeff's Gameblog
Sunday, 11 July 2004

So last night the Fergusons (my brother-in-law and his sons) and I played Safari Jack and Settlers of Catan. Good times. I came in second on the Settlers game. For my birthday they gave me a gift certificate to the Dragon's Table, the friendly local game store. Neato!

As we were picking up Catan to call it a night I asked the crew if they might be willing to play a four-handed chess variant at some point in the future. They indicated that they might be willing to attempt such an experiment. Guess I need to figure out which one to try and get a board and pieces put together. I supposed something that plays on a standard 8x8 board with orthodox pieces would be easiest to implement. That way all I'll need to do is paint some pieces in two additional colors.

Posted by jrients at 8:52 AM CDT

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