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Jeff's Gameblog
Saturday, 15 May 2004
Home Team, Issue #2

Last night Don, Sue, Paul, and John came over for my Heroes Unlimited campaign "Home Team". Its set in Marvel Manhattan during the Secret Wars. The PCs have to hold the line against villainy while Earth's most famous heroes are off-planet for a year.

Highlights from last night's session:

Jill Montgomery was promoted to Field Agent and issued a snazzy SHIELD flying car.

The Dingo wrestled into submission a giant albino mutant sewer crocogator. He even got his picture in the papers posing beside his record-breaking sewer gator.

Batroc's Brigade (The Leaper himself, Zaran, Machete, and Living Laser) were all captured, as were about 20 HYDRA agents.

Mockingbird and Dr. Connors were rescued from the clutches of HYDRA.

The Mysterious Cloaked Hydra Cell Leader escaped!

All in all, I think everyone had a great time.

Posted by jrients at 8:33 AM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 15 May 2004 8:46 PM CDT

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