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Jeff's Gameblog
Monday, 10 May 2004

Thanks to my Game Courier preset for SpaceWarp44, I am now in the running in the main category for the 44 squares contest. This turn of events pleases me to no end, even if I stand no chance fo winning the contest. I bask in the warmth of the sense of accomplishment I recieve by completing my entry and the preset for it. Go me!

There's been talk, just idle chit-chat, that maybe next years contest could be 45 pieces rather than 45 squares, or maybe have two categories in the next contest. Last night on the drive home from my folks house I came up with an idea for a 45 piece game that would combine Hnefatafl with Chaturanga style historical pieces.

Posted by jrients at 11:39 AM CDT

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