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Jeff's Gameblog
Sunday, 25 April 2004

My sister Jenn didn't make it over to the folks place to play games today. Too bad. I really want to play my new chess variant with her.

On the way up to Mom and Dad's place I heard a brief NPR report about the current National Footbal League draft and it struct me that a great game could be built around the mechanics of the draft. Maybe it could be a sci-fi piece in which the imperial bureaucracy open up frontier worlds to exploitation by noble houses. Each player would have differing victory conditions based upon their perceived value of the planets up for bid. After each round dice rolls would be made to indicate whether the perception and the reality met.

Here is one of the more interesting passages so far from The First Air War, 1914-1918 by Lee Kennett:

In a big fight over the Ypres salient in July 1917 there were 37 planes fighting at 8,000 feet, 40 more at 12,000 feet, and another 17 at 17,000 feet--in all, nearly 100 single-seaters." (from page 75)

Posted by jrients at 6:59 PM CDT

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