Last night the faithful gathered at the pancake place for Dave Hoover's Savage World campaign "Avatars". As you may know if you're a gamer, pointless miscellaneous delays always push back the start time of virtually any regularly-scheduled RPG session by 20 or 30 minutes. During this prelude I was able to discover that Ray St. John is not in C-U, his son Ray Junior is. On one hand I'm saddened that Rayray is not in town. On the other hand at least I know know why he didn't look me up.
Once the game got underway I had an absolute freakin' blast. Dave is a fun GM and Joe and Raymond are great players. I'm still trying to get a read on Loren, but he's by no means a big jerk or anything. Last night's game was a bizarre combination of moral dilemmas, inept detective work, and brutal vioence. Pretty much exactly how I expect a good game session to go. Joe wins the "freaked me out" trophy for having his character coldbloodedly execute tied-up prisoners. Ray wins the "cool beans, I didn't know he could do that" prize for shapechanging into a snake.
But Pat wins the coveted "holy crap I can't believe that just happened" lifetime achievement award. We had defeated some bad guys near the end of the session. My character wanted to capture the wounded enemies and interrogate them. Pat's mook Rongo wanted to kill them outright. My character is kinda scared of Rongo when he's in a killin' mood, so I offered to flip him for the fate of the prisoners, thinking that an oaf like Rongo would consider that a fair deal even if he lost. I flipped a quarter in the air, slapped my hand over it in the approved fashion, and asked Pat to call it. Without a moment's hesitation he called "coin". I was so dumbfounded I didn't dispute him when Rongoo began butchering. Everybody else at the table busted a gut over that fact that the party gronk had outsmarted the little wizardy guy. Dave found it so funny he went and interrupted the other game to tell everyone about it. They hooted and hollered.
Posted by jrients
at 5:03 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 8 April 2004 5:07 PM CDT