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Jeff's Gameblog
Tuesday, 9 March 2004
Starmada projects, part 2 of 3
I've already mentioned Starmada Frontiers here in my blog. This project is pretty much a straight conversion of old Star Frontiers Knight Hawks material. One of my goals is to eventually find a good method of recreating the Second Sathar War as a campaign.

The Liberation of Cunnonnic is a multiplayer scenario I've been working on set in Traveller's Spinward Marches. The period is the Fourth Frontier War, a war of starship skirmishes and as such perfect for Starmada. Cunnonnic was one of the few planets that changed hands in the 4FW, going from the Swordworlders back the the Darrians. In my scenario each of these client states receives direct military assistance from one of the superpowers of the region: the Swordworlders get Zhodani help and the Darrians are supported by the Imperial Navy. I'm not sure how many scenarios I can squeeze out of the Fourth Frontier War, but I think this one will shape up nicely by the time I'm done.

Also in the category of straight conversion is Starmada Actions in Deep Space, my 2nd edition Full Thrust to Starmada work. I've got almost all the ships from Full Thrust and More Thrust converted. I just need to figure out how to convert the needle beam and what to do about the Savaska. I'm primarily interested in doing a series on the Battles for Grendel. My take on this is to cast Grendel as the worthless world that is constantly fought over for various 'strategic reasons' that aren't always clear to the captains involved in the battles.

Posted by jrients at 3:11 PM CST

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