Winter War is the local game convention that I have been attending and GMing at for over a decade. I've reached the point where Winter War has become completely integrated into my gaming activities. My goal is to start planning for Winter War events on something like a two year cycle. The first year I come up with an idea for a con game I just let it percolate. If twelve months later the event concept still intrigues me, then I might make a casual inquiry with the convention chairman, to determine if he thinks the event would be viable. If he greenlights it then I might run the evnt the following year.
Here's the list of the events I'm thinking of doing at the next Winter War, or maybe the con after that.
Carcassonne (the recent upstart of the group)
Call of Cthulhu: Jack the Ripper
Star Fleet Battle Manual
Illuminati Tournament
I plan to outline what I want to accomplish with each in the next week or so worth of blog entries.
Posted by jrients
at 4:16 PM CST